Precision Health Gym
Gym & Fitness Class Memberships:
Online Payment options below

NEW: Fitness Class Membership Options
Single class $22
12 Class Pass $210 ($17.50/class) *3-month expiry
4 weeks $220 ($55/wk)
recurring payment every 4-weeks
3 months $600 ($46/wk)
recurring payment every 3-months
Gym Memberships
(Independent use)
Gym Starter Pack: $220
(Assessment, program & 4 weeks Independent Gym membership)
Pay in Clinic
Single visit $17
Pay in Clinic
4 weeks $120 ($30/wk)
recurring payment every 4-weeks
3 Months $350 ($27/wk)
recurring payment every 3-months
NEW: Functional Fitness Classes
- No pre-assessment required unless you have a current injury or medical condition
Strength: predominantly resistance, functional strength, & weights training to build strength
HIIT: High Intensity Interval Training – a mix of resistance, functional strength and cardio training with high intensity bursts and short low intensity / rest periods.
Boot Camp: a military style mixture of aerobic, cardio and functional whole body fitness training
Fitness Class Timetable
HIIT / Strength / Boot Camp
7:10am - Sarah
4:30pm - Sarah
5:20pm - Sarah
7:10am - Piper
7:10am - Sarah
5:20pm - Sarah
6:50am - Sarah
All Classes 45 minutes
Q. What do I need to do to access the PHC Strength Studio for independent use?
A. To access the Strength Studio independently clients must have had an assessment with one of our Exercise Physiologists, or Physiotherapists to create an individual gym program for you and show you how to safely use the equipment.
Q. Why do I need to have an assessment prior to using the gym?
A. Our Strength Studio may look like a commercial gym, but as it is part of an Allied Health practice: it is a requirement to ensure you have an individual exercise program to suit your needs & goals, can use the equipment safely, and you are safe to exercise independently.
Q. Can I claim my gym membership through my private health fund?
A. You can claim a rebate for one-one assessments with a Physiotherapist and Exercise Physiologist, but generally not for gym passes – we recommend you talk to your health fund to see if there may be a way to claim a gym membership under your policy.
Q. How old do I need to be to use the Precision Strength Studio?
A. Research shows that resistance training is safe, and even recommended, for kids as young as 9 years and over. Once assessed as safe, clients 16 years and older can attend the gym independently.